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About the Institute

The Eli Hurvitz Institute of Strategic Management (EHISM) was established in 2004 to develop cutting edge models in strategic management for practical application in the global business arena. Part of the Coller School of Management at Tel Aviv University, EHISM is an internationally respected thought leader that integrates an academic approach with corporate pragmatism to inform and disseminate the best practices of today, while simultaneously shaping the business leaders of tomorrow. The Institute is designed to support both academics and professionals in meeting the ongoing challenges in business strategy and management, furnishing managers with the tools and knowledge necessary to create and sustain a competitive advantage in their respective business and organizational environments.

Our Vision

Named in honor of visionary business leader Eli Hurvitz, who for 35 years headed Israel’s largest pharmaceutical manufacturer, the Teva Group, EHISM strives to uphold his values of organizational excellence and corporate responsibility by advancing thought, knowledge and the educated use of strategy. In this way, much like its namesake, EHISM is at the forefront of formulating policy and improving the management and quality of decision-making processes of nations, commercial and public organizations, policy makers, managers, and researchers worldwide.

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