The Academy of Management in cooperation with the Eli Hurvitz Institute for Strategic Management held a conference on the subject “From Start-up to Scale-up: Coping with Organizational Challenges in a Volatile Business Environment”. Participants in the conference were researchers from business schools around the world who discussed new findings on start-up companies, as well as on the challenges facing entrepreneurs contending with business growth.
Over 200 research studies were presented at this three-day multidisciplinary conference, which also included professional development workshops and discussion panels moderated by leaders in the area of business policy and innovation. The keynote speakers were Rajshree Agarwal from the University of Maryland, Kathleen M. Eisenhardt from Stanford University, and Michael L. Tushman from Harvard University.
The first day of the conference, which was organized with the help of the Hurvitz Institute, was dedicated to managerial and business facets of the management and growth of Israeli organizations in a chaotic world. We held three panels on the subjects of health, renewable energy and the development of the start-up in Israeli society.
Opening Session: From Start-Up to Scale-Up
Prof. Kathleen M. Eisenhardt, Stanford University
Prof. Michael Tushman, Harvard University
Prof. Rajshree Agarwal, University of Maryland
Practice Track Panel: Energy
Practice Track Panel: Health