The Eli Hurvitz Institute of Strategic Management at the Faculty of Management, Tel Aviv University, publishes case studies written by its researchers on the strategy, innovation and entrepreneurship of Israeli companies. The case studies are on companies at different stages of their life cycles, operating globally in various industries, and they present the practical strategic dilemmas that the companies face.
The case studies are intended to be teaching aids in courses on strategy, innovation and entrepreneurship in MBA and Executive MBA programs at business schools. They are free of charge and may be obtained by filling in this form.

The Sofaer International Case Competition (SICC) is a strategic case competition held annually by the School’s Eli Hurvitz Institute for Strategic Management since 2005.
The Competition brings together teams of MBA students from partner schools worldwide to analyze a realistic strategic challenge or dilemma facing an Israeli company operating in the global arena. Cases are designed specifically for the competition; past companies have included Babylon, Given Imaging, Tefron, Strauss Eilte and Machteshim Agan. The competition provides students with a unique opportunity to compete against peers from top schools – such as UCLA, Yale, Cambridge and HKUST – applying their analytic skills to an actual business scenario, and presenting their creative solution to a panel of scholars and business leaders, representing the Israeli academic and business communities.