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מחקרי המכון – The Institute's Research

    • Shenkar, O., Luo, Y., & Yeheskel, O. From “Distance” to “Friction”: Substituting Metaphors and Redirecting Intercultural Research. Academy of Management Review. 2008, 33(4), pp.905-925.
    • Newburry, W., Yeheskel, O., & Zeira Y., The Interaction of Parent- Company Differentiation With IJV Autonomy in Predicting IJV Effectiveness Chinese Business Review, December 2010, 9(12), pp.1-17.
    • Yeheskel, O., & Shenkar, O. Knowledge Flows in International Business. A JIBS Citation Analysis. EuroMed Journal of Business. 2009, 4(2), pp. 111-126.
    • Yeheskel, O., Newburry, W., & Zeira, Y. Significant Differences in the Pre and Post-Incorporation Stages of Equity International Joint Ventures (IJV’s) and International Acquisition (IA’s), and their Impact on Effectiveness.International Busines Review. 2004, 13(5), pp.613-636


מחקרים אחרונים

The Reputation Index of Israeli Firms

מחקרי המכון – The Institute's Research

מחקרים – Research

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